Resultaat 1 - 3 (van 3)
Carine Green Healthier in 3 Steps
In Healthier in 3 Steps, Carine Green, the author of Stress Reset, offers a few simple methods with which to improve your overall health. But also people who suffer from specific conditions, ranging from chronic fatigue, high sensitivity, depression and stress to persistent overweight, will gain quite some insights thanks to this book. These insights can help them find their way and truly help improve their health and life quality. The author links intensive research to her own experiences and comes...
Engels | 98 pagina's (ePub2, 0,2 MB) | Beefcake Publishing, Gent | 2019
Carine Green Gezonder in 3 stappen
Hoe goed voel jij je in je vel? In 'Gezonder in 3 stappen' reikt Carine Green, de auteur van 'Stress Reset', een aantal eenvoudige methoden aan om je algemene gezondheid te bevorderen. Maar ook mensen met specifieke klachten, gaande van chronische vermoeidheid, hooggevoeligheid, depressie en stress tot hardnekkig overgewicht, ontdekken dankzij dit boek heel wat inzichten die hen op weg zetten om hun gezondheid en levenskwaliteit gevoelig te verbeteren. De auteur koppelt intensief onderzoek aan haar...
Nederlands | ePub2 | Beefcake Publishing, Gent | 2018
Carine Green Stress reset
based on a true story
For years, the Antwerp born and raised Carine Green (34) has been suffering from physical complaints, for which she can't find a solution. That's when she meets a mysterious man, J.P. He claims he's able to help her. She meets up with him and, little by little, he shares his insight with her. It's an insight that will change her life for good as well as the life of anyone who reads this book. The cause of pain, of being unhappy, is revealed and a solution is presented to deal with the physical and...
Engels | 108 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Beefcake Publishing, Gent | 2016