Resultaat 1 - 2 (van 2)
Jan Geurtz Wijzen naar de maan
over de zoektocht naar verlichting in het dagelijks leven
Verhalen, sommige autobiografisch getint, over spirituele ontwikkeling. Geïnspireerd door de Tibetaans-boeddhistische dzogchen-visie, tantra en advaita.
Nederlands | ePub2, 4,1 MB | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2020
Jan Geurtz Addicted to love
the path to self-acceptance and happiness in relationships
In Addicted to Love, Jan Geurtz clearly demonstrates how our search for love and approval stems from a fundamental self-rejection. We try to compensate for this by seeking other people’s appreciation. But this is counterproductive: it actually makes us more insecure and therefore increasingly dependent. This creates an addiction to love, approval and the security of a relationship. As a result, most romantic relationships eventually fail, or – perhaps even worse – are reduced to dreary co-existence...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2017